A Casino is an establishment for certain types of gambling. Many casinos also offer resort facilities and other entertainment, such as live music. Casinos can be found in cities, states, countries, and continents all over the world. They can be very large, like the Bellagio in Las Vegas or they can be much smaller and more intimate, such as the Sol of Tucson.
Gambling almost certainly predates recorded history, with primitive protodice (cut knuckle bones) and carved six-sided dice among the oldest archaeological finds. But the casino as a place where people could find a variety of ways to gamble under one roof did not develop until the 16th century. The craze for gambling swept Europe at the time, and Italian aristocrats would gather in private clubs called ridotti for social occasions, often making gambling their primary pastime. These places were technically illegal, but they were rarely bothered by authorities [Source: Schwartz].
Casinos earn money from food and other amenities but their main breadwinner is the games themselves. Each game has a built in statistical advantage for the house, which may be small – less than two percent – but when multiplied by the millions of bets placed by customers each year, it adds up to significant profits. And these are the profits that can help fund the hotels, fountains, and replicas of famous landmarks you’ll find in some of the world’s most luxurious casinos. However, it’s important to remember that gambling is not a good way to earn extra money. Each bet has a mathematical probability against you winning, so it’s really no different from betting on sports events or the lottery.