
Gambling is when you risk money or something of value on the outcome of a game involving chance. It can be done in many ways, such as on fruit machines or by betting with friends. If you win, you get back more than you lost.

The most common forms of gambling in the world are lotteries and football pools. These are legally available in most countries.

A variety of other forms of gambling are also popular, including video and computer games. These can be played for free or with real money.

People who gamble often have problems with underlying mood disorders or substance abuse. They may have a problem coping with life events, such as work or study pressures, or family or relationship issues.

They may need support to deal with problems caused by their gambling, such as losing control of money or time. These problems can make it harder to stop gambling.

Understanding the harm associated with gambling is important for those who gamble, their families and friends, and the broader community. Identifying gambling related harms, and their sources, is essential for public health policy.

There is an increasing demand for research that can inform policy and treatment in this area. This project aims to contribute to this area by providing a conceptual framework for the breadth and experience of gambling related harm, and a functional definition that can be operationalised to measure harm consistent with standard epidemiological protocols used in public health.